Tuesday, September 11, 2012

004 Russian Devils

Around 1976 my grandmother on my dad's side visited our family in Moscow, U.S.S.R., and purchased these two little devils. However, I don't recall seeing them until the early 90s, while visiting her in a Maryland retirement home.

I loved them the second I saw them. I don't know anything about the history of this sort of thing in Russia, though it immediately brings back memories of reading The Master and Margarita, a surreal Russian novel in which The Devil plays a primary role. I love the role of Satan as Jester; it takes a lot of the scary out of the threat of eternal damnation.
These are both forged from some heavy, sturdy metal. The black surface seems very resilient to chipping (none having occurred in over 30 years), and shows no signs of wear or rust. They could be made of magical space metal for all I know, or have been forged in the pit fires of Hell itself. 

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