Tuesday, September 24, 2013

012 Voltes V - ボルテスV (Pure Foods)

This was probably my very first poster, ever. This really captures the spirit of the t.v. show. It was a promotional poster for Pure Foods hot dogs (the old school Filipino - which I've always thought was Philippino - version of Oscar Mayer), but I don't know where or how I came to possess it.

This poster is extremely worn, with tape all over the back, and big chunks barely holding on. A collector in the Philippines bought it from me with the other posters listed here (minus the Grendaizer) for $40 due its deteriorated condition. He'd originally offered more, but I sent detailed photos to make sure it was worth anything to him, because I wouldn't have felt right otherwise.

This buyer also informed me that the "posters are rendered by amateur local artists for Philippine distribution only." So that explains a lot about the artwork...though I always thought this was one of the better ones. 


  1. That is cool man. I am a big fan of Voltes V and would like to buy that. email me at lumang.gamit@yahoo.com if you have another copy

  2. Sorry. I only had one of each of these posters on this site. The Grendaizer is all I still own...and don't foresee selling in the near future. Love me some Voltes V, myself. :-)

  3. Hi I'll buy the grendizer poster, shipped to Texas USA. Contact me at holidayland@hotmail.com thank you

  4. Hi, I would like to buy this as well as the other robot posters. Currently, I am doing a documentary about super robots. Like us on facebook.com/VoltesVTheDocumentary. Kindly email me on my gmail at jpbookworld@gmail.com for your response. Hopinf for your most immediate and favorable response. Thank you.
